Ronnie Peterson, Project 3 March 752 BMW, Thruxton, Easter Monday 1975.
The 1975 Jochen Rindt Memorial Trophy/Wella European Trophy for Formula Two cars, held at Thruxton, was won by Jacques Laffite driving an Ecurie Elf Ambrozium Martini Mk16-BMW. Patrick Tambay was runner-up in an Elf Team March 752 BMW, with Giancarlo Martini taking his Scuderia del Passatore March 752 BMW to third place
Ronnie Peterson, Project 3 March 752 BMW, Thruxton, Easter Monday 1975.
Hans Stuck, Jagermeister Team March 752 BMW M12, Thruxton, Easter Monday 1975.
Jacques Laffite, Ecurie Elf Ambrozium Martini Mk 16 BMW, Thruxton, Easter Monday 1975.
Hans Stuck, Jagermeister March 752 BMW M12, and Hans Binder, Team Obermoser March 752, Thruxton, Easter Monday 1975.
Brian Henton, March 752 Ford, and Vittorio Brambilla, March 752 BMW, Thruxton, Easter Monday 1975.
Ray Mallock, Ardmore Racing March 742, Thruxton, Wella European Trophy, Easter Monday, 1975.
Ronnie Peterson, Project 3 March 752 BMW, Thruxton, Easter Monday 1975.
Alberto Colombo receives treatment after crashing at the chicane, Thruxton, Easter Monday 1975.
Wreckage of Lamberto Leoni's March 752 BMW and Alberto Colombo's March 752 BMW, Thruxton, Easter Monday 1975.
Accident at the chicane, Hans Binder, March 752 BMW, and Alberto Colombo, March 752 BMW, Wella European Formula Two Championship, Thruxton, 1975
Accident at the chicane showing Hans Binder, March 752 BMW, and Alberto Colombo, March 752 BMW, Wella European Formula Two Championship, Thruxton, 1975
Marshalls help Alberto Colombo after his March 752 BMW was involved in the chicane accident at the Wella European Formula Two Championship, Thruxton, 1975
Marshals on the scene helping Alberto Colombo, March 752 BMW, after accident at the chicane, Wella European Formula Two Championship, Thruxton, 1975
Ronnie Peterson gets out of his Project 3 March 752 BMW after the chicane accident as Michel Leclere threads through the wreckage in his March 752, Wella European Formula Two Championship, Thruxton, 1975
Marshals help Ronnie Peterson out of his March 752 BMW after the chicane accident, Wella European Formula Two Championship, Thruxton, 1975
Marshals help Ronnie Peterson out of his Project Three Racing March 752 BMW M12 after the chicane accident, Wella European Formula Two Championship, Thruxton, 1975
Alberto Colombo struggles out of his Trivellato Racing Team March 752 BMW after the chicane accident, Wella European Formula Two Championship, Thruxton, 1975
The stricken March 752 BMW of Ronnie Peterson, Wella European Formula Two Championship, Thruxton, 1975
Peter Williams, Coin Monthly Chevron B29, leads Gabriele Serblin, March 752 BMW, through the chicane, Wella European Formula Two Championship, Thruxton, 1975
Diulio Truffo, Osella Squandra Corse FA2 BMW M12/Neerpasch, Wella European Formula Two Championship, Thruxton, 1975
Marshalls helping Alberto Colombo after his March 752 BMW was involved in the chicane accident. Wella European Formula Two Championship, Thruxton, 1975
Ronnie Peterson, Project Three Racing March 752, Wella European Formula 2 Championship, Thruxton, 1975.
Cars exiting the chicane, Wella European Formula 2 Championship, Thruxton, 1975.
Ronnie Peterson, March 752, at the chicane before a multiple accident, Wella European Formula 2 Championship, Thruxton, 1975.
Diulio Truffo, Osella Squadra Corse FA2, Wella European Formula 2 Championship, Thruxton, 1975.
Gabriele Serblin, Elba Racing Team March 752, followed by Diulio Truffo, Osella Squadra Corse Osella FA2, Thruxton, Easter Monday, 1975.
Ronnie Peterson, Project Three Racing March 752, Thruxton, Easter Monday 1975.
Jorg Siegrist, Schweizer Auto Rennsport March 742, Peter Williams, Chevron B29, Gabriele Serblin, Elba Racing Team March 752, Thruxton, Easter Monday 1975.
Ted Wentz, Lola T369, followed by Brian Henton, March 752, Thruxton, Easter Monday 1975.
Jacques Laffite, Ecurie Elf Ambrozium Martini Mk 16, followed by Vittorio Brambilla, Project Three Racing March 752, Thruxton, Easter Monday 1975.